Spirit Wear

Macaulay Spirit Wear is now on sale! All orders can be placed directly through Passion Sports online store at the link provided. Please be aware that the deadline for orders is October 31 to ensure items arrive in time for Christmas. If you have any questions please contact Passion Sports. https://store.passionsports.ca/Macaulay

Get those envelopes in!!

We are in the last stretch before the Walk A Thon event in the week of May 3. The kids have done a great job fundraising for far! Remember to hand in your envelopes to your teacher this week, with your division number and shirt size for your prizes. Go Macaulay!

2021 Walk A Thon

The WAT is Macaulay’s biggest fundraising event of the year and a critical part of the Parent Advisory Committee’s financial planning. This is a great event that promotes both school and community spirit!

Funds raised support many PAC-funded activities at the school. These activities include Art, Science and Drama workshops, field trips, PAC family events, and classroom allowances for teachers to purchase supplies for their classrooms.  Kids can earn great prizes too! Be sure to return your pledge sheets and envelops to the school by Friday April 30th.

We Need You!!

***The Macaulay PAC is seeking new volunteers for the upcoming year*** Have questions or would like to put your name forward? Please email macaulaypac@gmail.com or message the Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/MacaulayPAC

PAC Overview The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) are parents supporting education and community at Macaulay. All parents, caregivers and guardians are welcome and encouraged to get involved!

MissionThe PAC’s mission is to support, encourage and improve the quality of education through the provision of volunteer services, financial support and organized activities that will enhance and enrich the academic, physical, and social development of our children.

The AGM on Wednesday May 12, 2021, via Zoom meeting, the new executive members will be voted in. MacPac needs to fill both the president and treasure roles for next year. Members at large positions are also available. Please consider joining the team with your fresh ideas, enthusiasm and collaboration! ! If your time is limited, consider helping out for any of the events noted.

Current MacPac funded things include – Treat days, chess lessons, playground equipment, stocking the emergency supplies tanker, teacher allowance (to use for their class at their discretion.) Other events were both fun and a fundraiser, such as the Veggie Sale and Art Cards for Kids. Pre-Covid events (to return!) – Hot lunch days, swimming lessons, first aid classes, school performances by Science Venture and others (music, culture, other).

Have questions or would like to put your name forward? Please email macaulaypac@gmail.com or message the Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/MacaulayPAC

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